Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was about to start typing this post and I looked over and saw a squirrel tail waving in the wind on my windowsill.  Perfect image to start the day. I feel bad for the poor guy - it's a crazy windstorm out there. Of course, I'll be walking to work in it in about an hour.

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts! I feel like life has been just a little crazy lately. Lots of rushing around and last minute things. A quick rundown of updates might have to do for now until I can sit and make a more exciting post.

1. I accepted the role at Coin Purse Theatre. SO excited! It's such a great role, and I can't wait to start working on it. Although it's nice to have work lined up for the future, I'm so disappointed that it's not until March. I want something to dig into right now! But I have four auditions next week, so hopefully I can find something for the winter.

2. Split my lip open on a metal clothing rack at work the other day. Felt awesome. This was after I had three bags of trash explode on me in the freight elevator while trying to take it to the warehouse to dump. So that was a good day.

3. Z and I saw Max Weinberg's Big Band (from Conan) at the Guthrie on Monday night. Such a great show! It's been a long time since I've been to a concert, and anything with people that talented is amazing. I'm always in awe of anyone who plays an instrument.

4. HUGE crazy rain/windstorms in the Midwest this week. Yesterday as I left work I watched 5 people's umbrellas get turned inside out, and I decided I didn't want to brave the 40 minute walk home. So I shopped. For three hours. I restrained myself and didn't buy anything, and the rain held out for me to walk home at 5:30.

5. My 30 for 30 challenge? Eh. I've been so busy that I haven't cared enough to make new outfits, so I go with my old trusties. And Z and I are never home in the daylight at the same time so outfit photos = 0. And I bought a new purple cardigan that I've worn more than I'd like to admit.

6. I've watched the entire seasons 4 and 5 of The Office in the past week. THAT'S what has been keeping me busy. Drooling over Jim.

6. There's more . . . there must be. I remember thinking I was going to have a huge epic post today. Perhaps tonight though.

Happy day, all! I'm off to sell overpriced sweaters for the day and I'll be back this evening!

edit: Yes, I realize there are two #6s. I'm leaving it that way to brighten your day with a little mockery.

Friday, October 22, 2010

silver lining

Today was one of those days where every word you try to text is misspelled and every customer has a credit card issue that you haven't been trained to handle and your boss is always on the phone.

But those days are also made infinitely better when you come home to an email that you've been cast! I've been offered the role of Ismene in a contemporary telling of "Antigone," and will (obviously) most likely accept it, but I need to do some looking at my timeline, since the show isn't until April.

I may get around to posting more tonight - after some serious Season 5 Office viewing and coffee of course. It's how I celebrate.

Monday, October 18, 2010

my bad

I'm sorry I suck at posting. Things have been mucho busy lately, like the 11 hour work day I had today. But a small update: there is magically now a screen in the living room window. It strangely appeared over the weekend. Take that, squirrels.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I shall name him Squishy.

True story: I almost involuntarily adopted two squirrels today. Here's how:

I was just sitting on the couch, minding my own business, lustfully searching when I heard some sort of ruckus outside my window. Like, directly outside my window. Which is only strange because I live on the third floor.

I sprang up to see what was the matter (leaving the children dreaming of sugarplums) and discovered two squirrels having a grand old time itching themselves on my skinny window ledge. And chirping. Ok, not chirping. But making some sort of odd noise.

So I slid open the window to hear them better. And in that split second, I realized there was no screen in the window. I was an inch away from the squirrels. I looked at the squirrels. They looked at me. I could tell they were contemplating a break in.  It was all very dramatic.

And I slid that window shut faster than ever. Granted, I'd LOVE a pet. But I have a feeling squirrels would be a tad annoying.

P.S. I imagine this whole story being accompanied by Allie Brosh's illustrations. They would make it just that much more dramatic and epic. Read her whole entire blog and be prepared to wet yourself with laughter. Here she is: Hyperbole and a Half.

Our maintenance people are very creepy. We send in requests and don't hear from them for months, and then all of a sudden you'll notice that something has been fixed. And you were never notified that they were going to be coming and meandering around in your apartment. The other day, I noticed our living room blinds were fixed. They must have decided to fix the hole in the screen while they were at it . . . by just removing the screen . . .

I was excited for a pretty amazing blog post today, including outfit pictures. However, by the time Zach got home from class, the light was gone, and I won't subject you guys to more Photobooth pictures. Anyway, my reason for outfit photos is I am doing Kendi's (from Kendi Everyday) 30 for 30 Challenge!

What this means is that I pick 30 items from my closet and remix them into 30 different outfits for 30 days. Kendi includes shoes, but since I'm doing this for the first time and I'm terrified, shoes don't count for me. I chose my 30 pieces last night and Day 1 was today! I have no idea if I chose the right 30 pieces, or if I'll be able to create 30 completely different outfits, but that's why it's called a challenge! And I already know I have a lot of wardrobe updating to do, so this will give me a clearer vision of things I need (vs. want) to acquire.

Ok. It's coffee time (ever since my mother ever so kindly bestowed some decaf Dunkin Donuts blend on me, I've been making it a nighttime ritual. Thanks, Momma!). I think coffee time will be accompanied by the first season of Gilmore Girls. Sigh . . . I love autumn.

Monday, October 11, 2010

And being a winner, God give you goodnight.

And so my weekend comes to a close. I opened my first professional show, did voiceover work for the movie, hung out with my wonderful family, got caught in a zombie mob (for real), closed my first professional show, partied with my cast, and spent today in a blissful state of regret-free laziness.

The Taming of the Shrew went splendidly. I can't claim it to be the most incredible Shakespeare production ever to be done in the history of Shakespeare, but it was damn funny, and our audiences enjoyed it. And we enjoyed doing it. I'm very proud of what we created - it was truly unique. Hopefully we'll be getting photos soon, and I can share!

It was LOVERLY to see my family and to get to hang out with them. They magically filled my fridge and cupboards, so opening them is like looking into a paradise of yumminess. Chili-flavored ramen be damned!

Minneapolis's Zombie Pub Crawl was Saturday night, and we got to wade through 5,000 drunken zombies on the way to and from my show. Quite the experience. We ate at Baldy's BBQ (yes, it was sketchy) and were surrounded by the brain-craving undead. Not really the ambience we were looking for, but we were entertained.

I wish I were in a more hilarious mood - I've been lazing about all day, so my brain isn't quite functioning on a higher level of communication.

My upcoming week is fairly tame. Work, audition tomorrow, work, and Lax this weekend to see The Last Days of Judas Iscariot. I am very much looking forward to it. I will keep you posted, and hopefully soon will be back to my sarcastic self!

Ciao for now!

It's National Coming Out Day!

Be an LGBT ally and join the fight against hate. Stand up for love and equal rights.

Check out the GLAAD campaign.

Friday, October 8, 2010

my daily entertainment

Watching people run to make a bus will never stop being funny. Especially when they run really stiffly in order to avoid looking silly, when in fact, it makes them look even sillier.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Remember that perfect fall weather I was raving about? Gone. It's 80 degrees here today, and I am a sweaty mess from my walk home from work.

But The Taming of the Shrew opens tonight, and I'm so excited! We had the most excellent final dress rehearsal last night, and hopefully the rest of the weekend will be just as fabulous. I'm so lucky to have been able to work with such a talented playful cast.

I wish I had more time to write, but it's been a few days since I posted, so I just wanted to add a quick update. The rest of the weekend will be pretty busy, but hopefully I can have some exciting posts up starting Monday!

My family is coming to visit and see the show Saturday and it will be AWESOME. Can't wait to see them and show them my new city!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Real conversation between Z and me this morning:

Z: I'm hungry. I wish we had seafood.
Me: Well . . . we probably have shrimp flavored ramen.
Z: Oooohh! We probably do! I also saw they had roast chicken flavor, so I got some of that!
Me: Yum, that sounds good. How does it taste different from regular chicken flavor?
Z: No idea. But they also had pork, so I got that. And chili flavor!
Me: Huzzah for the ramen!

Ok my last line is an exaggeration, but seriously. This is what our life has come to. Excitement over new ramen flavors.

Please test your smoke alarms

Three years ago we lost a dear friend to a house fire. This is his story. Please don't get annoyed when your smoke alarm yells at you for burning toast, like mine did this morning. It's just doing its job. Test yours to make sure it works. I love you all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Not My Midnight

McDonald's coffee = so not worth it. The girl at the drive thru somehow couldn't grasp the concept that I wanted 1 cream and 2 sugars. "2 creams, 2 sugars? I'm sorry. 2 creams, 1 sugar?" I forgot how watery McD's java is.

So I shot a movie today! Turns out I am actually physically in it, not just my voice! I'm sure the phone conversation I'm involved in will mostly focus shots on the lead role, but hey, screen time! I got my hair and makeup all done, spent about a half hour shooting different angles of the scene, and helped myself to the free donut holes. Note to self: they feed you on film sets. Worth it.

They were great to work with - really professional, and while I have no idea how the film will turn out, I have the feeling they know what they're doing. They said they'd like to work with me again, too, so hopefully I made a good connection there.

I have much to do tonight, in terms of cleaning the apartment so it doesn't drive me insane all week, and digging through my wardrobe for Shrew costumes. I can't believe we're in tech already! One more week, and I'll be done . . . and I have nothing new lined up yet. Yikes. Audition city, here I come.

I may post a bit more later tonight, but I really just wanted to share my film experience. So I'll leave you with this: I rewound it 3 times and laughed harder each time. Enjoy, and happy beginning of the week to all.


Peanut butter and honey on toast. Just God's little gift to me.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

autumn adventures

It's finally really feeling like fall here! Last week was really warm, which was nice, but I've been itching for autumn weather! Today was perfect - jacket weather, but still sunny and beautiful. Z and I took a beautiful walk around the city today. We stopped for coffee and scoped out the local co-op-ish store, and then continued to wander around, over four different parks and bridges. We got some great river time in, looking at the vibrant fall colors, and we ended up downtown to look at the awesome architecture before heading back. We haven't really had the chance to explore our new home yet, and this was the perfect day to do so.

My camera batteries are, of course, dead, and my charger is nowhere to be found, so I had to settle for mental images.

The week has been busy, but great. Work is fun, and it doesn't get boring often, which I love. My lovely friend Christine was in town this week, and we had a great night together at The Shouthouse downtown. Our cast also finally went out together for pizza and drinks, which was really great. They're a really fun, playful cast that I've learned a lot from, and even though our show is over in a week, I hope we continue to work/hang out together.

I had a film audition last weekend, and while I couldn't be considered for the lead due to availability problems, I got a small part as the lead's friend (who I believe is only heard, in a phone conversation). There are only 3 characters though, so I do feel honored they liked me enough to give me this small part. And hey, my resume can use all the bulk it can get. So I'll be shooting that tomorrow, and then starting tech for Taming!

We have 5 jars of peanut butter in our cupboard, I kid you not. Three are mostly empty, one is half full, and the last is unopened. Add some ramen, rice, and cereal, and you've got what we like to call the "Starving Artist Diet." Shockingly effective.

I had a darling Skype interaction with my grandpa the other day. He attempted to call me, and after watching him mouthing desperately at the screen for a few minutes, I finally called his cell phone and we continued to video chat in that manner.

I wish I had more hilarity to leave you with (sorry, Mom), but I'm going to go gorge myself on our leftover Little Ceasar's. We have little shame when it comes to cheap pleasures.