Thursday, October 14, 2010

I shall name him Squishy.

True story: I almost involuntarily adopted two squirrels today. Here's how:

I was just sitting on the couch, minding my own business, lustfully searching when I heard some sort of ruckus outside my window. Like, directly outside my window. Which is only strange because I live on the third floor.

I sprang up to see what was the matter (leaving the children dreaming of sugarplums) and discovered two squirrels having a grand old time itching themselves on my skinny window ledge. And chirping. Ok, not chirping. But making some sort of odd noise.

So I slid open the window to hear them better. And in that split second, I realized there was no screen in the window. I was an inch away from the squirrels. I looked at the squirrels. They looked at me. I could tell they were contemplating a break in.  It was all very dramatic.

And I slid that window shut faster than ever. Granted, I'd LOVE a pet. But I have a feeling squirrels would be a tad annoying.

P.S. I imagine this whole story being accompanied by Allie Brosh's illustrations. They would make it just that much more dramatic and epic. Read her whole entire blog and be prepared to wet yourself with laughter. Here she is: Hyperbole and a Half.

Our maintenance people are very creepy. We send in requests and don't hear from them for months, and then all of a sudden you'll notice that something has been fixed. And you were never notified that they were going to be coming and meandering around in your apartment. The other day, I noticed our living room blinds were fixed. They must have decided to fix the hole in the screen while they were at it . . . by just removing the screen . . .

I was excited for a pretty amazing blog post today, including outfit pictures. However, by the time Zach got home from class, the light was gone, and I won't subject you guys to more Photobooth pictures. Anyway, my reason for outfit photos is I am doing Kendi's (from Kendi Everyday) 30 for 30 Challenge!

What this means is that I pick 30 items from my closet and remix them into 30 different outfits for 30 days. Kendi includes shoes, but since I'm doing this for the first time and I'm terrified, shoes don't count for me. I chose my 30 pieces last night and Day 1 was today! I have no idea if I chose the right 30 pieces, or if I'll be able to create 30 completely different outfits, but that's why it's called a challenge! And I already know I have a lot of wardrobe updating to do, so this will give me a clearer vision of things I need (vs. want) to acquire.

Ok. It's coffee time (ever since my mother ever so kindly bestowed some decaf Dunkin Donuts blend on me, I've been making it a nighttime ritual. Thanks, Momma!). I think coffee time will be accompanied by the first season of Gilmore Girls. Sigh . . . I love autumn.

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