Saturday, October 2, 2010

autumn adventures

It's finally really feeling like fall here! Last week was really warm, which was nice, but I've been itching for autumn weather! Today was perfect - jacket weather, but still sunny and beautiful. Z and I took a beautiful walk around the city today. We stopped for coffee and scoped out the local co-op-ish store, and then continued to wander around, over four different parks and bridges. We got some great river time in, looking at the vibrant fall colors, and we ended up downtown to look at the awesome architecture before heading back. We haven't really had the chance to explore our new home yet, and this was the perfect day to do so.

My camera batteries are, of course, dead, and my charger is nowhere to be found, so I had to settle for mental images.

The week has been busy, but great. Work is fun, and it doesn't get boring often, which I love. My lovely friend Christine was in town this week, and we had a great night together at The Shouthouse downtown. Our cast also finally went out together for pizza and drinks, which was really great. They're a really fun, playful cast that I've learned a lot from, and even though our show is over in a week, I hope we continue to work/hang out together.

I had a film audition last weekend, and while I couldn't be considered for the lead due to availability problems, I got a small part as the lead's friend (who I believe is only heard, in a phone conversation). There are only 3 characters though, so I do feel honored they liked me enough to give me this small part. And hey, my resume can use all the bulk it can get. So I'll be shooting that tomorrow, and then starting tech for Taming!

We have 5 jars of peanut butter in our cupboard, I kid you not. Three are mostly empty, one is half full, and the last is unopened. Add some ramen, rice, and cereal, and you've got what we like to call the "Starving Artist Diet." Shockingly effective.

I had a darling Skype interaction with my grandpa the other day. He attempted to call me, and after watching him mouthing desperately at the screen for a few minutes, I finally called his cell phone and we continued to video chat in that manner.

I wish I had more hilarity to leave you with (sorry, Mom), but I'm going to go gorge myself on our leftover Little Ceasar's. We have little shame when it comes to cheap pleasures.

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