Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was about to start typing this post and I looked over and saw a squirrel tail waving in the wind on my windowsill.  Perfect image to start the day. I feel bad for the poor guy - it's a crazy windstorm out there. Of course, I'll be walking to work in it in about an hour.

I'm so sorry for the lack of posts! I feel like life has been just a little crazy lately. Lots of rushing around and last minute things. A quick rundown of updates might have to do for now until I can sit and make a more exciting post.

1. I accepted the role at Coin Purse Theatre. SO excited! It's such a great role, and I can't wait to start working on it. Although it's nice to have work lined up for the future, I'm so disappointed that it's not until March. I want something to dig into right now! But I have four auditions next week, so hopefully I can find something for the winter.

2. Split my lip open on a metal clothing rack at work the other day. Felt awesome. This was after I had three bags of trash explode on me in the freight elevator while trying to take it to the warehouse to dump. So that was a good day.

3. Z and I saw Max Weinberg's Big Band (from Conan) at the Guthrie on Monday night. Such a great show! It's been a long time since I've been to a concert, and anything with people that talented is amazing. I'm always in awe of anyone who plays an instrument.

4. HUGE crazy rain/windstorms in the Midwest this week. Yesterday as I left work I watched 5 people's umbrellas get turned inside out, and I decided I didn't want to brave the 40 minute walk home. So I shopped. For three hours. I restrained myself and didn't buy anything, and the rain held out for me to walk home at 5:30.

5. My 30 for 30 challenge? Eh. I've been so busy that I haven't cared enough to make new outfits, so I go with my old trusties. And Z and I are never home in the daylight at the same time so outfit photos = 0. And I bought a new purple cardigan that I've worn more than I'd like to admit.

6. I've watched the entire seasons 4 and 5 of The Office in the past week. THAT'S what has been keeping me busy. Drooling over Jim.

6. There's more . . . there must be. I remember thinking I was going to have a huge epic post today. Perhaps tonight though.

Happy day, all! I'm off to sell overpriced sweaters for the day and I'll be back this evening!

edit: Yes, I realize there are two #6s. I'm leaving it that way to brighten your day with a little mockery.

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