Monday, October 4, 2010


Real conversation between Z and me this morning:

Z: I'm hungry. I wish we had seafood.
Me: Well . . . we probably have shrimp flavored ramen.
Z: Oooohh! We probably do! I also saw they had roast chicken flavor, so I got some of that!
Me: Yum, that sounds good. How does it taste different from regular chicken flavor?
Z: No idea. But they also had pork, so I got that. And chili flavor!
Me: Huzzah for the ramen!

Ok my last line is an exaggeration, but seriously. This is what our life has come to. Excitement over new ramen flavors.

1 comment:

kcyach said...

I wish I could 'like' this post. haha. I love you guys