Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I've been trying (forever!) to figure out how to create my own header! This one is really simple, but it's all I wanted, really! I downloaded Picasa from Google, and bam! Header! Photo creds go to Amy Waala for capturing my craziness at the peephole. I tried futzing with the page's background color, but nothing seemed right. White seemed so blah, but then I scrolled through the blogs I really like, and they all have white backgrounds! So I'm keeping it.

I have two auditions lined up for the weekend, and sent out some emails in response to student films on craigslist. I emailed a lot of people on craigslist for acting gigs, but now I see so many things on there that are just shady, or I don't get replies from anyone, so I've stopped taking a lot of stuff on craigslist seriously. Ads have to be really articulate and intelligent for me to pay any attention to them now. If you don't want to proofread your ad to see if you spelled "film" correctly, I'm probably not going to contact you.

I don't know what it is about the Twin Cities, but their stoplights are extremely temperamental. It took me 45 minutes to get to rehearsal tonight (it usually takes 10...) because every stoplight from here to St. Paul was out. Convenient. And also, Minnesota, who ever heard of making a merge lane and an exit one and the same? That's just asking for road rage.

Happy first day of autumn, everyone. I leave you with this clip I rewound a million times when it aired for the first time. Enjoy.
edit: Since finding this treasure an hour ago, I've watched it at least 8 times. Hilarious every time.

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