Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I've gotten into the bad habit of wearing two outfits a day. I get all dressed up for work, and then I come home and put something comfier on for rehearsal. And then I discover a way I can dress up the comfy-ness, so I wear it to work the next morning. But then I have to change again for rehearsal, otherwise my castmates will think I'm a dirty slob who never changes her clothes. So it's a vicious cycle of wearing every outfit twice....just with different underwear.

I'm hoping my work outfit today isn't TOO casual. I've got a jacket on (the first time I've worn it since I bought it....which was over a year ago while I lived in NY), but I'm also pairing it with fairly casual boots. And jeans.

I was hoping to get some pictures on my walk to work today to share, but I can't seem to find my charger for my camera....so I might have to settle for pics off my phone.

Happy Tuesday, all. It's warm again here :)

P.S. I didn't realize just how much I was torturing myself last night with my Anthropologie and Aldo browsing. I actually dreamed about those motorcycle boots and woke up expecting to see them in my closet. ....le sigh....

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