Friday, September 3, 2010

if i was richer, i'd still be with ya...

It's next to impossible to get Cee-Lo's song "F--- You" out of your head. It's been quietly playing in my brain for close to two weeks now. I love the song - just wish it was more appropriate to blast at high levels throughout my morning routine.

Today's weather is AWESOME! Not the kind of weather I want every day, but it's such a nice change from the heat and sweat. It's dark and very windy and chilly, but no rain, so playing outside in wonderful fall clothes was a must. I wish I'd had my camera (dead batteries and all) on my walk today. The chilly weather just made me appreciate the colored buildings and the textures more, for some reason. The birds were out and about in all their glory. Z and I passed a patch of them on a lawn where there were literally so many that you could HEAR them all chomping away at their lunch.

Today was the perfect day for coffee, but alas, I am far too poor for coffee filters, so I MacGyver-ed one out of a paper towel, and am now enjoying some DELICIOUS Vanilla Almond Creme coffee, courtesy of my lovely former acting teacher. I love the ritual/taste/general wonderfulness of coffee, however, I had to wean myself off of it earlier this year due to major caffeine headaches. When I'm rich enough to afford more than bread and peanut butter, I will buy a tub of decaf to start my mornings off right.

Speaking of being rich, I had two job interviews in as many days! And they both were fantastic. The first was at a high-end women's retail store, where the manager and I had a really great conversation about fashion and theatre. She seemed to like me a lot and told me she would call me next week. The next one was a bagel/coffee place closer to my apartment. Basically she offered me the job on the spot, but I told her I'd need a night to think about it. It'd be steady hours, but it seems like not a lot of flexibility in terms of asking off or switching shifts with people (the rest of the employees are U students, so their days aren't open), and I don't want another job like that. Sooo.....I have to call the retail job tonight and basically ask if she's made a decision, because I have to let the bagel shop know by tomorrow. I'm nervous to call and make that demand, because I really want the retail job, buuuuut....I don't know. I have to call no matter what. And I have about an hour in which to do so.

Long story short, though, I guess I have a job! Which is AWESOME because I was starting to get worried.

So because my camera batteries are dead, I settled for some Photobooth fun on my Mac, which I haven't indulged in in a long time. I'm sitting on my couch curled up with a giant sweater, scarf, and cup of coffee, and here I intend to stay. Happy autumn, everyone!

That incredibly awesome ring used to be my grandmother's. My staple/favorite random piece.

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