Tuesday, September 14, 2010

measure your life in love

Reason #624 on my list of Why I Love my Boyfriend: Free Guthrie tickets. I have a night off of rehearsal, so what do I get to do? Get myself all gussied up and go see a night of free awesome theatre. Granted, I'll be doing it alone, as Z has his training for work tonight, but what do I get to do this Saturday? Oh, you guessed it! Get myself all gussied up and go see a night of free awesome theatre WITH my boyfriend! I think I like Minneapolis.

I have potatoes in the oven, and they seem to be squealing. That's not going to stop me from devouring them.

I think my left foot is allergic to exercise. Any time I try to stick it into a tennis shoe, it starts cramping and writhing and yelling things like, "No! I will not exercise! I hate this shoe!" And that's just embarrassing. You can't have your feet yelling in public.

While my weekend in La Crosse was anything but epic, it was a wonderful visit. I got to see most of my lovely friends, and I got a great night of theatre/my boyfriend in leather pants. Thanks to the cast of RENT for reminding me why I do what I do. "Revolution, justice, screaming for solutions, forcing changes, risking danger, making noise and making pleas!"

And BUZZARD EGGS. While the name is disgusting, in reality they are tiny nuggets of heaven. Jalapeno slices wrapped in pepperjack cheese, wrapped in chicken, all tied together with a bow-tie of bacon-y goodness. It doesn't get much better. Unless you add a Hazelnut Tiramisu martini. Which I did.

I felt a little bit like a rockstar at work today, overselling my goal and chatting it up with some really funny clients. The thing that irks me about retail is the lingo and how seriously everyone uses it. I just can't take it seriously! But I AM an actor, and I can sell it all right along with the best of them.

The potatoes are still squealing. I think they must be saying "Eat me!" Don't worry, potatoes, I'm coming!

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